Saturday, March 24, 2018

Acne Treatment While Pregnant

In the first three months of pregnancy, pregnant women experience increased hormones. This can lead to Acne Treatment While Pregnant in pregnant women. No need to fret, because there is a safe way you can do to drive this uninvited little guest.

Increased androgen hormones are responsible for acne on your face. This hormone can stimulate the skin to produce more oil called sebum. Acne can appear when sebum is mixed with dead skin cells. This meeting can close the pores of the skin and trigger bacteria to grow quickly.

As we know, anything touching the body of pregnant women also affects the fetus. So, you are encouraged acne treatment during pregnancy with caution to avoid the risk of a born baby with a disability.

If you are worried about the use of chemical acne medications affecting the fetus, the following natural way can be selected:

 Soda baking
The content of baking soda can make the skin dry and help the healing process of acne. How to make acne cure from baking soda mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and water until it becomes pasta. Apply on acne and leave to dry before washing.

Substances alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) can be found in the lemon. If applied, the substance of the lemon can remove dead skin cells and help open clogged pores. To get the benefits, dip the cotton in lemon juice. Apply to acne, let stand until dry, then rinse with cold water.

Honey can cool the skin. It also contains antiseptic and antibacterial agents. How to use the face wash with warm water, then apply honey to the desired area. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

 Pure coconut oil
This oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial substances that can overcome acne. In addition, coconut oil can also cool the skin. Use coconut oil instead of moisturizer before bed.
Cleaning your face properly should also apply. Do not over-wash your face. Just twice a day. Use a mild soap or cleanser. Gently rub with fingers pads, do not wear a towel to rub your facial skin. Better to dry the skin by tapping rather than rubbing it.

Avoid the habit of touching or squeezing pimples to avoid irritation and aggravate it.

Acne Dark Spot Remover

Acne Dark Spot Remover is a common problem solution faced by acne sufferers. Acne scars have a wide variety ranging from stains or black spots, pockmarked acne scars, and sometimes red spots. Acne scars can disappear by itself in a relatively long time but for pockmarks require special handling. Acne can indeed appear anywhere other than the face there is also acne on the back, but still, acne always leaves marks if healed.

Various acne dark spots that appear after the recovered acne can be caused by the wrong handling ranging from suppressing acne with nails or tools and so forth. Should if left alone without being touched and handled properly then it will not leave a machete-like scar and the basins on the skin that are usually caused by stone pimples. For that cause of acne and the right way of handling is also must be known to those who suffer from acne.

Here are some ways of acne dark spot treatment naturally that can be done:

# 1 Utilizing Natural Honey
Honey does have many benefits for human health and one of them to overcome acne. Honey can cure acne scars including stains or black spots. How to use honey to remove stains or black spots acne scars the way is easy that you live smear honey on your face that has a black stain before going to bed, not necessarily much important evenly. Then wash when you wake up using clean water.

# 2 Utilizing Lemon Juice
Lemon juice can also be used to cure black stains of acne scars. Because lemon juice can stimulate the growth of new skin cells and disguise the black stain marks gradually. The trick is to squeeze the lemon then mix with 1 tablespoon of water then apply on face that there are black spots. Wait for 5-10 minutes or until it dries and flush with clean water.

# 3 Using Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, capric acid and caprylate capable of disguise stains and black spots acne scars. How to use is to rub it in the face and then massage-light massage for a few minutes. Do this routine at least once a day to get a satisfactory result.

# 4 Wearing Rose Hip Oil
Hip rose is the fruit of some types of roses. Oil made from Hip rose has a very good vitamin and antioxidant to keep skin healthy and smooth. How to use is to rub it on the parts of the face acne and done with a light massage. Do this regularly every day until the black spots or spots on the face are completely lost.

# 5 With Ice Stone
Ice cubes can prevent an increasingly severe inflammation because it will reduce swelling and diminution of blood vessels. In addition, ice cubes can also be used to reduce scars and black spots due to acne. The trick is to wrap the ice cubes using cloth or tissue and paste it on the face for 15-20 minutes.

# 6 Wearing Olive Oil
Olive oil contains Vitamin E which can be used to simultaneously black spots on the face. How to use it is also quite easy you live rub it on the face and gently massage for a few minutes. This method can be done regularly every day in the morning and night.

# 7 Using Baking Soda
Baking soda can restore dead skin cells by stimulating the growth of new skin cells. However, baking soda is not recommended if you have a sensitive skin type. How to use live mixing baking soda with water to resemble paste then apply it on the area of acne scars and black spots.

# 8 Wearing Aloe Vera
Aloe vera or commonly known as Aloe Vera is already very famous in the field of cosmetics and its benefits for hair. But it turns out Aloe vera also has a good benefit for facial skin, one of which can cure acne scars blemishes. how to use tar peeled to look gel in it then apply on the face of acne. Do it regularly to get maximum results. 

Acne Bumps On Face

Acne Bumps On Face occurs due to clogged pores, resulting in oil, dead skin cells, and trapped bacteria cannot get out. The result is irritation or inflammation in the area. Acne generally begins to appear at the age of puberty and may worsen on the type of oily skin.

There are many types of acne, as written in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, edition of 2011. Whatever the type of acne, do not squeeze. Try to clear the skin thoroughly twice a day, especially at bedtime. There is no powerful acne medication if the skin is not routinely cleaned.

One of the most effective ways of acne remedies and without causing side effects is by using traditional ingredients produced from plants or other natural ingredients. By doing regular maintenance how to remove acne scars then within a few days your acne can be lost.

Here's how to remove acne scars are very powerful:

1. Egg whites
In addition to having calcium, it turns out that egg whites also contain amino acids that can eliminate acne and scars. In addition, the protein in egg whites also serves to tighten skin pores and accelerate the process of removing new skin cells, so how to remove acne scars with egg whites is very effective.

2. Cucumber
Cucumber fruit is not only known for its freshness, but cucumber fruit also has a usefulness for beauty. One of the uses of cucumber in the world of beauty is to remove acne scars. Cucumbers contain useful astringent to overcome redness of the skin, prevent acne and eliminate acne scars.

3. Honey
Honey is a very effective natural ingredient to remove acne as well as its scars. This is because honey can be used as an antibiotic that will eliminate the bacteria that cause acne and remove dead skin cells that cause acne scars. How to remove acne scars with honey by applying directly honey on the face, then let stand for 15 minutes. then after the honey dries and sticky, wipe your face using warm water until clean.

4. Avocado mask and honey
Avocados have excellent nutrients to protect facial skin from sunlight, while honey contains antibiotics that can remove dead skin cells. So the mix of honey and avocado is a suitable mask used to brighten the skin, remove acne and remove acne scars.

5. Aloe vera
Aloe vera contains aloesin substances that can inhibit the formation of melanin which causes skin becomes black. In addition, the content also serves to remove acne scars by removing dead skin cells

6. Lemons
Lemons have collagen compounds are efficacious to stimulate the formation of new skin cells, so that acne scars on your face can quickly disappear.

7. Papaya
Papaya has a papain enzyme that is useful for removing dead skin cells that cause the emergence of} acne scars. In addition, papaya also contains vitamins and antioxidants that can overcome the redness due to acne.

8. Peel of oranges
The content of vitamin C in orange peel was more than the fruit. Besides orange peel also has a content of alpha hydroxy acid that will overcome the blockage in the pores. The content of these compounds is also efficacious to remove dead skin cells that cause the appearance of acne scars.

Actually, how to remove acne scars can be used by anyone, in a traditional way {of course (certainly not) will not give bad side effects on the face. So it is advisable to remove acne scars using the traditional way that is with natural ingredients. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Acne And Wrinkle Treatment

Every dream woman surely wants to have a young and beautiful face without scars and wrinkles. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can leave a stain on your face, and the aging process is one of them. The good news is that there are effective natural remedies that can help get rid of Acne And Wrinkle Treatment.

In women aged 40 years and over will generally feel worried when it appears wrinkles on the face. Because this will greatly disturb your appearance. In addition to the age factor, wrinkles on the face can be caused by several factors. Actually, the appearance of wrinkles on the face cannot really be eliminated. Because as the age of wrinkles on the face will be more visible.

However, there are some best treatments for wrinkles on the face, we can prevent it from the beginning. Because the cause of wrinkles on the face is not due to the age factor alone. Excessive stress and constantly will also make the wrinkles come early. To prevent wrinkles or wrinkles from getting too much.

Natural Ways to Eliminate Wrinkles on the Face:

1. Routine Consuming White Water

Whitewater is an important source of minerals to overcome dehydration and maintain body fitness. At least try to drink 2 liters of water per day or 8 cups. Especially on the morning after waking up.

2. Keep Skin and Body Hygiene

Bathing and facial cleansing activity is a must-do for the body to stay in shape and avoid the problem of wrinkled skin on your face. Because the bath is able to clean the dirt on your body as well as avoid acne that appears on the face and other areas.

3. Apply Cream or Eye Serum

Cream or serum eye to moisturize the eye area. With a moist skin condition, your wrinkled facial skin will be easily resolved. For that we strongly recommend you to use eye serum with a routine so that your face still looks young and not old fast.

4. Using Wet Wipe

The next way you can use a damp cloth, with you patting the face wrinkles. Wet the cloth or towel with warm water, then pat the area under the eyes and face. Do this before you sleep at night and after you wake up in the morning.

5. Using Milk and Honey

Honey contains humectant compounds that can absorb and retain your skin's moisture. So it can help maintain skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. While milk contains lactic acid is high enough.

The content of lactic acid owned milk can help clean up the dirt contained in the pores of the skin.
 Clean your face first
 Prepare 1sdm of fresh milk and 2sdm of pure honey, mix and stir the two ingredients until evenly and thick
 After that apply on your face evenly
 Let stand for about 30 minutes
 Then rinse your face using warm water until clean

6. Using White Eggs

Egg white has a fairly high protein content. Protein content is efficacious to repair damaged skin cells, so it is very good to accelerate regenerate new skin cells.
 Clean your face first
 Prepare 1 egg, separate from yellow and shake until foamy
 After that apply on your face evenly
 Let stand for about 30 minutes
 Then rinse your face using warm water

7. Using Lemon Balm Water

Lemon balm is a herb of the mint family. This one plant contains compounds that are astringent. The compound can remove wrinkles quickly, but its only temporary.

8. Using Olive Oil

You can remove wrinkles by washing your face using olive oil that contains linoleic acid can help the skin to remain always hydrated. So as to reduce the effects of wrinkles.

 Clean your face first
 Prepare 2 tablespoons olive oil, then mix into a container of warm water to wash your face
 Then wash and massage your face gently for 15 minutes
 Keep your face around for 30 minutes do not rinse first
 Then rinse your face using clean warm water

9. Face Massage Routine

By way of massaging your face regularly will help remove wrinkles on your face quickly. Try to massage only on the lymph nodes, it aims to drain clean excess water weight on the face. So that wrinkles can be lost easily.

10. Monitor Diet Food

The type of food you consume for the process of diet is actually very influential on the quality of the skin. Foods that contain antioxidants are effective enough to prevent the adverse effects of free radicals one of which is the sun (ultraviolet).

Accutane Pills For Acne

Accutane is a trade name of acne drinking medicine whose contents are isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid). This medicine although not yet official and legal entry into Indonesia but it is common secret can be obtained, sold prescribed and drunk Indonesians.

Because of its uncontrolled circulation then the possibility of abuse is also very great. In addition to laymen, medical workers are also easy to get it. Even more terrible when Accutane Pills For Acne is given and drunk by people who lack knowledge about the side effects, indications, how the drug works, drinking rules.

The workings of these drugs are not fully understood. But the effect given is quite dramatic. Accutane for acne really works to lower facial oil production. Even to make skin and mucous membrane dry. It is as if the function of the gland is totally paralyzed. Blackheads also disappear and do not reappear.

Other capabilities are as an anti-inflammatory is quite powerful. As a result of the combination of the above effects then indirectly this drug also decreases the number of bacteria that exist because of the micro-environment of bacterial ecosystems damaged. In the correct dosage and experienced skin care supervision, the results are absolutely satisfactory. The first is the indication or designation of this drug.

This medicine is only given for acne weight category. Acne is a severe acne that is not only in the face but also in other body parts as the most common are the chest, shoulders, and back. In addition, the shape and acne are severe. The size is large, red pus, hard and sometimes accompanied by pain of an abscess. In addition, blackheads are very large and large. Also for acne that accompanied other symptoms such as fever, joint pain and red lumps on other body parts. So this drug is only given for acne is very severe and chronic. Acne mild to moderate categories does not need to take this drug.

The next thing to know is the side effects are also no less great. As a result of the efficacy of this drug in reducing the function of oil glands so the skin so no greasy anymore, aka dry. In some stages even up to peel. Most noticeable is the lips are cracked and bleeding. Mucous membranes suffer the same pain that sometimes needs to be given teardrops. Contact lens wearers will not be able to wear them anymore unless they are dripping with artificial tears.

Although rare, it is also necessary to say here some complaint of urination pain due to dryness of the urinary tract mucous membrane. Painful bowel movements and pain during intercourse have also been reported. If not addressed can occur bleeding. More serious complications are impaired liver or liver function. Changes in cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels. A possible bone disorder is an excessive bone growth of the spine (hyperostosis vertebrae). Although rare images of brain tumors and night vision disturbances have also been recorded.

This drug should not be taken by women of childbearing age because it can cause brain defects and heart-vascular system in the fetus if the woman is pregnant. So the baby will be born with defects of the brain, heart and blood vessels. More dangerous again the levels of this drug will still be there until a certain time after the woman stopped taking this medicine. So that new women may become pregnant after a certain period of time.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

9 Year Old With Acne

9 Year Old With Acne and also teenagers is a type of acne vulgaris. This acne usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest. Dermatologists find many cases of acne in young children who are even just seven years old. Doctors believe that it is associated with precocious puberty (early puberty), which causes adrenal androgen hormones to rise, triggering acne at a young age.

Acne kids on a girl, acne can be seen before the growth of breast, pubic hair and armpits, and first menstruation. In boys, acne can occur before the growth of pubic hair and armpits, testes and penis enlarge, and the sound becomes heavier and deeper. To find out more, let's look at various information about acne in children following.

In general, acne in pre-teenage children is milder. Usually, children in this age group have open comedones and closed comedones. In addition, red pimples (papules) are sometimes in the T zone on the face (forehead and along the nose), as well as the chin. However, if the acne is more severe, it may be a sign that the child will have more serious acne later on.

Most products available for best acne treatment are off-label prescriptions, and they have not been tested in patients under 12 years of age. Meanwhile, topical medications and oral retinoid medications may be prescribed to treat acne in children who are quite severe, although these drugs have side effects, such as:

• Photosensitivity
• Staining teeth
• Hyperpigmentation
• Rare reactions such as lupus
• Disturbed digestion
• Esophagitis pills (drug-induced esophagitis)

Acne in children can be treated with natural acne treatment:

1. Eating carrots
Vegetables rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene have been linked with acne prevention because vitamin A retinoids are often used in prescription acne medications. Vitamins help to maintain a healthy immune system and keep skin healthy, especially for acne sufferers. Foods rich in beta-carotene can reduce inflammation due to antioxidants that fight free radicals.

2. Eat lots of zinc
Eating 30 mg of zinc twice a day for one month and 30 mg a day later, can reduce the appearance of acne. Zinc is commonly found in seafood, such as oysters, crabs, and lobsters.

3. Apply lemon juice
High acid levels in lemons can help fight bacteria on acne. In addition to treating acne, lemon juice can also treat wounds, stains, and even signs of aging.

4. Compressing with ice cubes
Using ice cubes to compress the infected area can reduce the inflammation caused by cold contrast on your skin. Ice cube compressing should not be more than 5 minutes.

5. Changing pillowcases
Just replacing your pillowcase every two or three days can improve your overall skin. The pillow absorbs the natural oil of the face, which can stick back to your skin whenever you sleep on it so it can increase the growth of bacteria on your skin.